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Roundtable News

Reach For the Stars!

Updated: May 10

Every career in theatre is full of promise! I promise you it is difficult. I promise you it will be exciting. I promise you it will teach you new skills. I promise you it is hard work, and I promise you, if you do the work, it will pay off! It will pay off in ways that you've never imagined. It might not always be monetarily, and it might not be in fame or glory, but trust me it will pay off.

Some of the ways it has paid off for me is by allowing me to find my voice, and it has allowed me endless opportunities to help others find their voice, and to reach for the stars. When everyone starts out, we have big dreams, but it can also be very confusing to know how to follow your dreams to make them come true. Make no mistake, dreams do come true, but it is also true that it's not what you know but who you know. In fact, who you know might be more important than what you know. So, with that idea in mind, put energy into connecting with others in your field.

I recommend you keep track of who you connect with. Some people do it with a spread sheet, which might sound a little impersonal, but it is so hard to keep track of all the information coming at us in our information age, keeping a spread sheet of valuable and important people we connect with is crucial. In your journey of reaching for the stars, you will find the road is full of twists and turns. Sometimes a fork in the road, and sometimes long stretches that seem to go on forever, without a gas station or convenience store in sight. However, often there is no turning back, and to sustain your energy until you reach the next battery charging station, we will provide you with a few ideas to keep you going in the right direction.........stay tuned. But in the meantime get that spreadsheet started.

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